The person you are replying to is Baby Yoda Face Mask Ups Instacart I Work At Ups I Use Excessive Sarcasm At Work Because Punching Someone In Ther Mouth Is Frowned Upon By Management Shirt. Failing to police the mark effectively may lead to the mark becoming generic. Yeah, Disney is doing this because they make money off Mickey Mouse and want to continue. Before Disney swept all of that away and claimed that the Extended Universe is no longer canon, therefore causing the fandom to no longer thrive as a result. I for one am crestfallen over the loss of Luke! And the 15th resurrection of Palpatine. Especially trademarks. You can let copyright infringements slide once in a while, but if you don’t aggressively defend your trademark you lose it forever.
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Not the commenter but the logic behind this is that if something becomes too commonplace in the culture the courts can rule that it is no longer eligible for trademark and Baby Yoda Face Mask Ups Instacart I Work At Ups I Use Excessive Sarcasm At Work Because Punching Someone In Ther Mouth Is Frowned Upon By Management Shirt, therefore, they cannot require licensing fees for that trademark. Having said that I don’t know that it has been tested in court in recent decades with anything as well known as Micky mouse. Law (especially IP law) is much more fluid than most people would like to believe. I remember that case. Although this kind of movie in the opposite direction – something that was common becoming less common and therefore becoming eligible for a trademark.
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I worked for Baby Yoda Face Mask Ups Instacart I Work At Ups I Use Excessive Sarcasm At Work Because Punching Someone In Ther Mouth Is Frowned Upon By Management Shirt. It made sense when they did it. They are a software company that services advertising agencies. Then the term became synonymous with spyware, and they had to give it up. Trademarks are for identifying the source of a product or service. They’re brands, and they’re meant to be able to acquire a reputation. Any time you buy something “Disney”, you know it’s from Disney or authorized by Disney in some way.
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