We are three years in, not the same situation but the poor guy trusts nobody but us. You did amazing, he was so skinny. Keep eating bud. Dakota, my pup, was 60 to 70 percent of what he should be. He was 20 pounds they said he should be fifty. He is almost there. He’s kind of a jersey when cuddling. Head up, screw you, like he’s royalty, would do amazing in old folks homes. He has changed my life. Dakota is a good boy. We are three years in. He got through our walls at the start. The reason he got through walls was that he broke out of the best Kong kennel. He was really himself in the kennel. Funny LGBT Let’s Get Down To Business To Defeat The Huns Shirt.
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I picked up a pitching wedge for the first time and he acted like he never knew me. Can’t imagine what’s going through his head. The vet did you a favor. I these parts, being labeled a pit mix could earn it a death sentence. Edit I was drinking last night, and yes the math is wonky. Point is Dakota now has a loving home and acts like a dog now. Funny LGBT Let’s Get Down To Business To Defeat The Huns Shirt. Not to mention some property/homeowners’ insurance companies will raise your rates if you have one of the ‘top 10 most dangerous breeds’ (the list is according to the AKC, I believe).
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Source: Adoption coordinator at a no-kill dog shelter for almost a decade. Funny LGBT Let’s Get Down To Business To Defeat The Huns Shirt. Uhm, not trying to be rude at all, but 20 lbs of 50 is 40%. That is a crazy low percentage for an animal! Good on you for taking care of the little guy. It’s just normal writing. He accidentally stepped on a painting I’m doing, I yelled, he ran away as he hates me.
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