I agree with you. I think it’s good to be concerned about your Funny Neil Degrasse Tyson Y’all Mothafuckas Need Science Shirt, but using Facebook and Instagram on the regular while complaining about getting your data stolen is just idiotic. Especially because in this case they could make a difference and do their part in defeating the virus, but setting up wild theories seems easier. And still some idiots have wild theories and shit about a Merkel Dictatorship and her “absolute control of their data”, while posting this on Facebook/Instagram. My country has lost its mind really. It feels like medieval times.
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Just because you don’t have a problem with Funny Neil Degrasse Tyson Y’all Mothafuckas Need Science Shirt. Some of us create pseudonyms just to protect our data. Only fools would ever trust a company like Facebook with any information. I did not say I didn’t have a problem with it. But folks that do what you do are what, 5% of the users? I personally try not to put my information online at all. I do have a Facebook account and I do have an Instagram and tweeter but my last posts on any of those platforms are over 6 years old. Now if you have a cellphone or if you buy a car, your information is out there regardless.
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If you are that invested in keeping your Funny Neil Degrasse Tyson Y’all Mothafuckas Need Science Shirt. Do so. But scaremongering people into believing crazy things about (((the elites))) or whatever dog whistle thing you come up with is rather unfair. Most people are ALREADY oversharing anyway and being profitted from their internet usage. There is plenty of oversight from people monitoring the app updates and usage, so there is public interest in making it better and as anonymous as possible.
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