He wasn’t an Englishman but like John Prine said: “Please don’t bury me down in that cold cold ground, I’d rather have them cut me up & pass me all around, Throw my brain in an I See Dead People Well Technically They Are Stupid People But Give Me A Few Minutes Shirt, the deaf can take both my ears if they don’t mind the size”.Sounds like a smart guy, no wonder he wanted to carry on brainstorming after he died. Because no one should be giving any money to Reddit’s award system I will acknowledge your comment by simply stating. My dad died at 36 due to a sudden and unpredicted massive heart attack. He was not a drinker or drug user, didn’t even have high blood pressure. His death certificate literally says, First Symptom: Death.
I See Dead People Well Technically They Are Stupid People But Give Me A Few Minutes Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women
My mom and I still regret that it didn’t even occur to us to donate his organs until two or three days afterward, when the fog began to lift from our stunned minds. My dad was a generous and adventurous person with terrific eyesight and an I See Dead People Well Technically They Are Stupid People But Give Me A Few Minutes Shirt, and I know he would’ve loved the idea of both living on in some way and helping someone else continue their journey. I wish we had default donation in my state. My dad died from a sudden massive heart attack too. At the time I just couldn’t even comprehend letting them cut him open and take parts of him away.
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On the I See Dead People Well Technically They Are Stupid People But Give Me A Few Minutes Shirt, my dad needed a double lung transplant when I was a kid due to his Alpha 1. A young man had suddenly passed away in a mountain biking accident and, thankfully for my dad, was a donor. He sent emails to the mother of the deceased man to show her the life that her son saved and he sent pictures of me and my siblings. She said it was helpful for her grieving to see that he had saved our family. I still feel thankful for that guy, it’s sad that he died so young, but his generosity gave me another 8 years with my father.
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