That’s actually a very reliable way of making a profit since the Stout Shako only costs 1.55 ref on You’d think the Stout Shako would still be 2 Ref, if only for consistency’s sake..Like surely I’m A Little Smart Ass Short And Stout Here Is My Finger Shirt, loads of people make Stout Shako for 2 Ref trades solely for the memes, influencing the price? I think there all lots of buy orders for 2 refs just for the meme.
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I surprisingly sell Stout Shakos for 2 refs each pretty easily whenever I wear the full loadout. People like the novelty of buying a Stout Shako from a certified Demopan, I guess. Sure, I can offer you 2 refined. I’m A Little Smart Ass Short And Stout Here Is My Finger Shirt have no idea how long I read the Stout Shako’s name as ‘Scout Shako. Anyone else thinks that shirt looks like the one from engineer’s Dad duds? One of the things I adore about the TF2 community is how dedicated we are to our homegrown memes and jokes.
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Speaking of tf trading. How do you get a key without buying it for real money? I burned all my items only to get 8 refined, meanwhile, one key costs 50 refined and cool hat 15-50 keys, so 750-2500 refined. Hyperinflation sucks. The scraps are basically worthless now, I’m A Little Smart Ass Short And Stout Here Is My Finger Shirt you needed like 50 refs for a key last I checked. I hadn’t seen this meme for over three years. I’m scared that I remembered the song.
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