Bin Laden’s first communique, the day after 9/11 I had nothing to do with Lovely Happy New Year 2021 Hello Eve Goodbye 2020 Shirt this. Like Stalin killing more Russians than Hitler. It’s one unnamed source saying another unnamed team member claimed something. Poor journalism. mean I am all for hating on Kushner. But the article was being sourced from a Vanity Fair article. And it clearly stated that Kushner did not say this, it was one. Of the people on his taskforce who speculated this. We can correlate that Kushner might have felt the same. And that was ultimately what made his decision. But he did not actually say this.
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The Reddit post title is misleading. I see Lovely Happy New Year 2021 Hello Eve Goodbye 2020 Shirts this comparison a lot but it’s a stupid comparison that fails on so many levels. Can we just drop it as our talking point? Just makes us sound like idiots. You’re right, it’s not apples to apples. We’re talking about deaths caused by malicious negligence and incompetence so. The more appropriate comparison is that he allowed more deaths to coronavirus. Then George Bush allowed to 9/11. Bin Laden believed he was ridding the world of a foreign devil. Kushner decided to kill Americans because he could. If it is a stupid comparison, it is because I am being unfair to Bin Laden.
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