Personally I like art, not artists. The song means whatever you want it to mean. Make it yours, not his. To me, it is beautiful and simple. We don’t have to think John Lennon was a good person to do what the song asks of us and imagine. If that exercise feels meaningful to you like me then yay, but there’s Official John Lennon 1949 1980 Shirt enough great music to go around that it’s ok to not like a song. Personally I’ve always thought row your boat was trash.
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Seriously, I don’t want to be told to “row my boat.” Row your own goddamn boat and leave me the fuck out of it. The guy who wrote Row Your Boat had apparently sunk 3 boats in his career as a fisherman. I hate that song, Official John Lennon 1949 1980 Shirt I refuse to listen to it. He is a failure. Row, there are only seven more miles to go. I would love to hear this line used by a rapper.
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I always thought a good example is the song “Hurt”. When Nine Inch Nails made that song it was debatably about drug addiction or suicide. Official John Lennon 1949 1980 Shirt When I hear the Johnny Cash cover, it’s more about a man that has lived his entire life and the hurt he had along the way. To judge art on the artist, and not the art, will lead you to false conclusions of truth. Then do you just refuse to ever interpret anything?
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