But we are talking about heading to Perfect Just Say No Sleepy Jo And The Ho Shirt bed at 11 instead of 3 am, and still playing all weekend long. I bought it on a steam sale and 2 days later my wife asked me what chores I had gotten done and which ones still needed to be done. We couldn’t answer her because I didn’t know there was a list created 2 days ago. I autopiloted through like 39 hours of my life paying that game and don’t even remember it. I uninstalled it as soon as she asked me and haven’t touched it since. Apparently the late Iain M. Banks (author of the Culture novels and Transition, The Wasp Factory, etc).
Perfect Just Say No Sleepy Jo And The Ho Shirt, Tank top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie
My dad used to play the older Civ games back in Perfect Just Say No Sleepy Jo And The Ho Shirts the day, once kept playing all through the night then realizing it was 6 am and he had worked at like 7. He decided “10 more minutes”. We’re not talking about a teenager working at a shop either, he was a middle-aged cop. Describes that workday as one of the worst of his life because of how damn tired he was. Yep. Had to go so far as uninstalling and hiding the floppies/CDs … back before digital downloads were a thing. Should probably avoid Stellaris then! For me, it was Civ on crack.
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