People want to frame the $600 a week extra unemployment benefits discussion around it being better to stay at home and not work rather Pretty I Was Normal 3 Cats Ago Black Version Shirt than asking why we are being paid so little in the first place. Everything is too damn expensive and well all make too little. Something needs to break. Shit better not go back to normal.
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If my company laid me off I’d be making the same amount from unemployment as I do work 55 hours a week with time and a half for overtime. And I make almost double minimum wage. Pretty I Was Normal 3 Cats Ago Black Version Shirt And it’s still barely enough to make ends meet. This is a fantastic point. Thank you for sharing! I had thought about some of the things you have mentioned but hadn’t quite tied it all together.
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This means that someone predicted that 600 dollars + unemployment are the absolute lowest they could pay Americans without it decimating our economy. Pretty I Was Normal 3 Cats Ago Black Version Shirt, The gap between our lower and middle class is being revealed when you see one group who don’t think it’s enough money and one group would make more on unemployment then doing their jobs.
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