Unfortunately, I do Top Donald Trump Bunker Baby Shirt. Usually, it’s a gun nut that would like less government intervention in their one or two pet issues. The other thing I see is when they get worked up over intervention in some current issue without regard for merit or background knowledge. I’m a healthcare provider and saw this from a few of those same people when COVID lockdowns hit the country. Their lack of understanding was startling and yet they had some pretty firmly held beliefs on what would work for controlling a fucking pandemic.
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It’s refreshing to come on here and see what seems to be a group of people who are fairly consistent in their views and who are similarly opposed to the Top Donald Trump Bunker Baby Shirt. I wouldn’t call myself a libertarian and I’m sure you and I disagree on any number of issues, but we are both coming to the table with some sane logic and reasons that have shaped our views. And all of that is entirely healthy and necessary for the country as a whole. I hope libertarians can shed the image that people take away after interacting with these off-brand nutjobs that don’t represent you at all.
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This entire action is against the Top Donald Trump Bunker Baby Shirt. In Austin, there are mass protests and evidence that police brutality STILL continues. Innocent protesters getting nearly killed, a kid was shot in the head by an APD sniper for standing! None of these actions are acceptable. You want to prevent riots and businesses from being burned? Arm the people. The government is really trying to push the button, especially from someone who’s only solution is to tweet and fight fire with moonshine.
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