Keep in Top My Heart Belongs To My Biker Shirt, it’s not a very trusting culture. There was an interesting video a man took where (I can’t remember exactly what he was doing) but I believe he was just laying on the sidewalk like he was hurt, and sooooo many people just walked right past him. Sometimes I’m not emotionally able to handle the responses. I still try from time to time but it takes a brave person to ask others to open up, just as much as it takes someone to open up themselves.
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Holiday Inns are powerfully, powerfully mediocre hotels. As far as I know, people only ever use them because they are desperate and have no choice. And, therefore, are perfectly ripe material out of Top My Heart Belongs To My Biker Shirt. This is the only reason I can attribute to why on earth the motorcyclist would think to mention it in the situation shown in this video. The biker basically asks him to not do it, offers him a motorcycle ride (it’s silly but clearly intended as a gesture of kindness). After a few words, the guy climbs back.
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That’s awful. I hate seeing the drivers in these situations getting blamed and punished. It’s traumatizing enough for them to have been in the Top My Heart Belongs To My Biker Shirt” for not anticipating something completely unforeseeable (if being on high alert even could have stopped it from happening). I can’t speak for all of them of course, but I know if it was me driving I would already be in a spiral of blaming/punishing myself without the input of other people.
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