Nice! I went to grad school at Bama and my wife is a native. I’ve lived in 10 states and there is no easier living than in Alabama. Weather’s nice, food is incredible, the property is cheap and the people are the nicest ANYWHERE. I am reminded of the ignorance surrounding me on a Top Super Daddio – Super Mario Shirt. Or how incredibly expensive it is to be poor in this state. A quick drive down any road makes you wonder what they are doing with that gas tax money. A trip to the hospital makes you wonder how we could possibly deal with the surge of cases COVID will bring. The energy and tech monopoly in this state is particularly egregious. The more you see of the world the more you see that people are people everywhere.
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Are there backward people? Hell yeah. How backward are they? VERY. How often do you have to deal with them? Only in line at the Piggly Wiggly. I live in upstate NY and it’s as backward as anything I ever had to deal with in AL. We’re planning our return to the Top Super Daddio – Super Mario Shirt. Depending on how all the craziness shakes out we’ll be there in July. Holy shit we can’t wait. Glad to see anything good said about Bama. My wife is from up north and I feel like when I go there I’m always defending Alabama. Everyone thinks we are just poop in bread people who do drugs and sleep with their sisters. Most times they are only half right lol. Great place with many smart and wonderful people.
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You just haven’t lived in South Florida yet dude. The cost of living is exponentially higher there. There’s no nature to speak of, the people are disgusting and mean. And it’s one of the most corrupt counties in the US. Imagine broke when your rent is 1300 for a 1-1, gas and food are double the price. Oh and by the way, if you have a degree. But isn’t bilingual good luck getting a Top Super Daddio – Super Mario Shirt? Where you’ll make minimum wage while working like a dog? If you think stupidity, ignorance, strong opinions, unpopular opinions, poorly traveled folks, injustice, poor people, or just ass holes are unique or even just more highly concentrated here then you’re a fool. That’s people in general.
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